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In the final weeks of the presidential election, Elon Musk has become one of former President Donald Trump's most powerful allies. 大統領選の最後の数週間で、イーロン・マスクはドナルド・トランプ前大統領の最も強力な味方のひとりとなった。 I'm not just MAGA, I'm dog gothic MAGA. 私はただのMAGAではなく、ドッグゴシックMAGAだ。 It's a stark change from 2015, when he told Vani...


1434 words

English transcriptJapanese translationEnglish videoAmerican English

Your worth is tied to how much you can do. 自分の価値は、自分がどれだけできるかに結びついている。 At least that is the unspoken expectation in today's world. 少なくとも、今日の世界ではそれが暗黙の了解となっている。 From the moment we wake up until we finally collapse into bed, there's a constant pressure to do more, achieve more, and be more. 目覚めてからベッドに...


792 words

English transcriptJapanese translationEnglish videoBritish English

Specializing in high-tech interactive teaching tools, this small company in Tokyo is doing something many Japanese businesses wouldn't dare to do, giving its employees an extra day off a week. ハイテクを駆使したインタラクティブな教材を専門に扱うこの東京の小さな会社は、日本の多くの企業があえてやらないようなことをやっている。 Adopting a four-day week was the decisio...


316 words

English transcriptJapanese translationAmerican English

For decades François d’Adesky, a retired diplomat and civil servant who now lives in Brussels, spoke to no one about his near-death experience (NDE). It happened at the age of 13, when he was hospitalized for acute appendicitis. D’Adesky vividly recalls seeing his body on the operating table and the...


378 words

English transcriptJapanese translationEnglish videoBritish English

Archaeologists have discovered a huge ancient city hidden underground in Mexico which may give a better understanding of the Maya civilization. 考古学者たちは、メキシコの地下に隠された巨大な古代都市を発見した。 Known for their distinctive temples and cities which stood for centuries but due to factors such as war and disease the Ma...


386 words

English transcriptJapanese translationEnglish videoAmerican English

[♪ music ♪ [♪ music ♪ What do you mean you're not coming back? 戻ってこないってどういうこと? Yeah, Mom. I'm just really liking the vibe out here. うん、ママ。ここの雰囲気が本当に好きなんだ。 But what about college? しかし、大学についてはどうだろう? Please. College is for sheeple who don't know how to take education into their own hands. お願いだ。大学は、自分の手...


388 words

English transcriptJapanese translationEnglish videoothers

North Korea Fires Suspected Ballistic Missile North Korea launched a suspected intercontinental ballistic missile towards the Sea of Japan on Thursday morning, just hours after the South Korean and U.S. defense chiefs met in Washington.   「北朝鮮が弾道ミサイル発射か」 木曜朝、北朝鮮が日本海に向けて大陸間弾道ミサイルを発射したと見られる。数時間前には、米韓国...


35 words

English transcriptJapanese translationothers

For the first time in 15 years, the Liberal Democratic Party and its ruling coalition partner, Komeito, have lost their Lower House majority, following a clear rout in the general election on Oct. 27 – a shift that opens up a potential path for the opposition to steer the lower chamber’s agenda if t...


201 words

English transcriptJapanese translationEnglish audioAmerican Englishothers

今回の記事は「現代のコード化されたビジネスに対するヴェネツィアの教訓」という内容です。さていったいどのような内容なのでしょうか。今回のポッドキャストです。お聴き下さい。For cryptocurrencies to last, they might need to work with governments, just like the gambling business did in old Venice. 暗号通貨が長続きするためには、昔のヴェネツィアでギャンブルビジネスがそうであったように、政府と協力する必要があるかもしれない。Merchant noun 商品を取引する人や会社 Regu...


30 words

English transcriptJapanese translationEnglish audioAmerican English

会話内容「最近ドハマリしているもの」 【Manning】What was the last book, movie, TV show, podcast, or YouTube video that really captured your attention and why? 【Kara】My nerd is going to come out. (laughs) The alert has been sounded! I am a huge anime and manga fan. And I have a very weird thing where if I attach to a ch...


667 words

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