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Feifei 大家好,欢迎收听 BBC 英语教学的 “地道英语” 节目。在每期节目中,我们都会介绍一个英语母语人士或讲英语流利的人会用到的习惯用语或者短语。I'm Feifei, and I'm here with Phil. Phil Hello. Feifei 本期节目中我们要学习表达 “that's on you” 的意思和用法。But first, Phil, why were you so late? Phil Sorry I'm late but you know, it's not my fault. The traffic was bad – that's complete...
381 words
Webb Telescope Shows a Black Hole Breaking a Theoretical Limit Researchers have observed a large black hole that gained mass at a rate much faster than scientists had thought possible. New observations from the Webb telescope involve the largest kind of black hole, a supermassive black hole. It is c...
572 words
Europe Scientists Predict Another World Heat Record Europe’s climate agency says this year is likely to break 2023’s record for the hottest year ever. Researchers at the Copernicus agency also predicted 2024 will be the first year to be more than 1.5 degrees Celsius hotter than what is called the pr...
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Welcome to Yokohama's Chinatown here in Japan just outside Tokyo. 東京郊外にある日本の横浜中華街へようこそ。 It feels like kind of a weird place to check out since I don't get to visit Japan a whole lot and I've already been to China. 日本にはあまり行く機会がないし、中国にはすでに行ったことがあるからね。 Can't seem to escape the place. この場所から逃れることはできないよう...
2471 words
I don't like and I'm a hundred percent against guns. 私は銃が好きではないし、百パーセント反対だ。 I have them but I'm 持っているけど I'm conflicted and people are not okay with being conflicted because here's the thing I really don't want guns I think they're very dangerous but the thing is in America every other person has it ...
601 words
When I was a kid, I never understood how there's so many homeless people. 子供の頃、どうしてこんなにホームレスが多いのか理解できなかった。 I never understood that. 私はそれが理解できなかった。 I never understood how there's so many. どうしてこんなに多いのか理解できない。 My dad's always like, oh, it's because they're lazy. 父はいつも、ああ、それは彼らが怠け者だからだ、と言うんだ。 And I just...
467 words
What can you tell me about this? これについて何か教えてください。 Ah, yes, our famous burrito challenge. ああ、そうだ、有名なブリトーへの挑戦だ。 Succeed in eating our whole array of burritos in one hour, and you'll get your photo up on our wall. 1時間以内にブリトー全種類を完食することに成功すれば、壁にあなたの写真が飾られる。 It can be pretty hard, though. でも、かなり難しいことだよ。 I...
2002 words
Japanese Comedian Hitoshi Matsumoto Drops Lawsuit Against Publisher Japanese comedian Hitoshi Matsumoto officially withdrew his 550 million yen defamation lawsuit against publisher Bungeishunju on Friday. 「お笑い芸人の松本人志さん、出版社相手の訴訟を取り上げ」 日本のお笑い芸人・松本人志さんが金曜日、出版社の文藝春秋に対して5億5000万円を求めた名誉毀損訴訟を正式に取り下げた。
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Big floods hit eastern Spain last week. About 89 people are still missing. More than 200 people die. The government is asking families to give DNA samples to help find and identify bodies. Spain’s leader, Pedro Sanchez, says that the government will give money to help people and businesses. Over 15,...
111 words
In eastern Spain, around 89 people are still missing after floods hit the Valencia area last week. More than 200 people died, and authorities identified only 133 people so far. The government is asking families to provide DNA to help identify those who are missing. Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez promi...
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